What Are Star Reports?

The STAR Department Reports below feature performance measures for each office and agency of Cook County. Please keep these questions in mind as you read through the reports:

Mandates, Programs, and Key Activities

  • What does this department do?
  • What services do they provide?
  • What mandates are they working to achieve?

Budget and Full-Time Employee Data

  • How much is this department budgeted for this year?
  • Are they within their budget?

Performance Metrics

  • What is the department trying to achieve?
  • What goals have they set?
  • Are they achieving their goals?

Star Reports

We invite you to read through our reports and submit your ideas through the Cook County Good Ideas site. Note: Positive variance is indicated in green and negative variance is noted in red.

Click the + next to each reporting area below to see the STAR reports for this quarter.